A project on monks gives the opportunity to develop a range of skills and explore a number of key issues central to Religious Education. The following elements could be covered (depending on what aspect is taught):

KS1: Recognise that people belong to religious / secular groups within the community and find out what is important to them.
KS2: Explore what it means to belong to a religious community and ways in which believers express their beliefs in God.

KS1: Find out about the habits and customs that relate to food, dress and behaviour.
Consider the importance of care and concern for other people in religious teaching. Learn about how monks show care and concern for others.

KS2: Explore examples of religious rules and the ways in which communities put them into practice.
Explore examples of people whose lives have been influenced by their religious beliefs. Look at the lives of people in history (David) and today (local community of monks or nuns) who put religious rules into practice in their everyday lives.

KS1: Explore what makes a monastery a special place.
Develop an awareness of the ways in which worship can be expressed e.g. prayer, singing.

KS2: Consider how a local faith community uses its buildings as a place of worship.
Investigate the main features and pattern of a key act of worship (e.g. prayer or singing).

KS2: Explore the cultural and religious differences between people

Natural World:
KS1: Consider the food we eat, the clothes we wear and where it comes from.
KS2: Explore personal responsibilities to the natural world.